Fighting For You,
Fighting For Utah

  • There’s no denying our southern border is in crisis with nearly 3 million illegal border crossings and 66 aliens on the terror watch list caught at the border in 2022 alone. Celeste will fight to secure our border, finish the wall, fully fund our border patrol, and keep dangerous drugs like fentanyl out of our communities.

  • Celeste is a woman of faith and holds religious freedom near and dear to her heart. She knows that Utahns do, too. She will always fight for Utahn’s right to worship and practice their faith as they see fit.

  • Utahns need financial stability. Wage earners should be able to support a family. Celeste will get inflation under control by reining in our out of control federal spending and regulations that are driving up our cost of living. She will fight for balanced budgets to stop the out of control reckless spending in Washington.

  • Celeste knows the 2nd Amendment is clear – the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. She will fight the gun grabbers in Washington DC and defend our constitutional rights.

  • Celeste believes all human life is sacred and will stand up for the unborn and our pro-life values in Congress.

  • Utahns should have more control over the resources they depend on to make a living. Celeste knows Federal bureaucrats in Washington DC don’t understand how to manage our lands and resources better than we do. She will fight to make sure Utahns have more control over the land and resources they depend on to make a living because she knows no one cares more about protecting and preserving our lands and natural resources than the farmers and ranchers who live and work on them.

  • Armed services are important to Utah because of Hill Air Force Base and related industries. Celeste will petition to be on the House Armed Services Committee so that Utah has a voice in Defense.